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Investigative and Asset Recovery Tools under the Financial Investigations Division Act and Proceeds of Crime Act

Under the Financial Investigations Division Act, the Financial Investigations Division is tasked with the responsibility of eradicating the complex problem of financial crime.

Anti-Money Laundering Training 2017

The laundering process is accomplished in three stages, which may comprise numerous transactions by the
launderers that financial institution/company to criminal activity…

GoAML - Overview Training 2011

GoAML is a product of the United Nations Office on  Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in response to the need to combat money-laundering.

Terrorism Financing: New Developments in the Area

Terrorism stated to be a Tier 2 Threat in Jamaica’s National Security Policy 2013


Techniques for Financial Investigation – Information from the financial sector to support law enforcement

Methodologies in Gaming

In an increasingly interconnected financial system, financial and non-financial institutions can easily be used to launder money or finance terrorism. This can undermine confidence in the system and weaken it.

Cyber-Security Seminar 2016

There are modern developments that have a massive capacity to do good (particularly from a financial inclusion standpoint) but also have the capacity to be misused for criminal activity.

FID's Role and You...

POCA & FIDA have specifics as it relates to the investigative tools/orders available for FID to carry out its investigations with the ultimate being prosecution.